In conclusion, we revealed that both sAPPa and sAPPb interact with p75NTR on COS cells

, which indicated that being elderly did not result in a higher risk of experiencing DRPs. than a week was significantly associated with drug choice problems. Also, a significant correlation between the duration of hospitalization and the other problem domains was not detected in this study. These 518303-20-3 findings are contrary to other global studies. Firstly, a study by Moura et al. revealed comparable findings, in which patients who were hospitalized for a longer period were more susceptible to drug-drug interactions. Also, a study conducted on hospitalized cancer patients revealed a significant association between length of hospitalization and drug interactions. That these findings are contradictory may be because of confounding factors such as the severity of illness and the number of medications prescribed to the patients. Besides that, the small sample size recruited in this study may have reduced its generalizability. Further studies should be carried out to investigate the association between the duration of hospitalization and occurrence of DRPs. Polydrug therapy Duration of Hospitalization In the present study, we found that patients who stayed for more than six days in the ward were at greater risk of experiencing adverse reactions and drug choice problems. However, a local study reported conflicting findings, in which hospitalization for less Polydrug therapy appears to be a common condition among elderly patients, because of the presence of multiple comorbidities that require chronic medical PubMed ID: therapies. Computed using Continuity Correction; Computed using Fisher’s Exact Test; Statistically significant. At a more detailed level, patients who were prescribed more than five medications tended to experience adverse reactions, drug choice problems, dosing problems, and drug interactions. The findings in this study were consistent with that from a study conducted by Hajjar et al., which showed that the use of multiple chronic medications can lead to inappropriate prescriptions and adverse drug reactions. Also, Viktil and colleagues demonstrated that receiving polydrug therapy is correlated with a heightened risk of drug interactions. Therefore, healthcare providers and especially pharmacists should be aware of the consequences of providing polydrug therapy to patients. More efforts should be put into medication review to minimize polydrug therapy whenever possible, to reduce the risk of DRPs. multiple comorbidities has been shown to account for 26.5% of ADRs in the elderly. However, this is not comparable with the findings of this study, which revealed that having multiple comorbidities was only significantly associated with drug choice problems and drug interactions, whereas correlation with other problem domains was not detected. These discrepancies are probably because of differences in research methods and tools used to assess DRPs. Since it is inevitable that the majority of elderly patients present with multiple comorbid diseases, it is important to have medication reconciliation in all the health care settings to avoid medication errors including inappropriate prescriptions, dosing errors, and drug-drug interactions. Cardiovascular Disease In this study, BPH patients with comorbid cardiovascular diseases were found to experience more DRPs. This was probably because patients with cardiovascular diseases often require multiple medications, which can subsequently lead to complications. Numerous studies have concluded that cardiovascu