Influenza A infection results in lung cell apoptosis, injury, and remodeling

metabolism. These in vivo studies reported an inhibition of the activity of HMGCR after the intake of phenolic compounds, but did not explain possible action mechanisms. The molecular modelling described in the present paper explains the formation of the complexes between the chlorogenic acid and naringenin, which would compete with the HMG moiety of the HMGCoA and show a similar effect to that of the flavonoids of bergamot juice. Although these LY341495 site Compounds would exert a hypocholesterolemic effect in vivo by inhibiting the activity of HMGCR, in our study the intake of chlorogenic acid and naringenin from tomato juice was very low. Rai et al. evaluated the effect of diallyldisulfide analogs from garlic on HMGCR using the same methodologies, and 7 Effect of Bioactive Compounds of Tomato on HMGCR observed that these compounds are apparently more effective in reducing HMGCR mRNA 19774075 than HMGCR activity. The mechanisms that can be ruled out in this respect include alteration of the enzyme and changes in catalytic activity mediated by phosphor- ylation. Since lycopene and dyallydisulfide are chemically different, our results point to a different mechanism for the regulation of HMGCR by lycopene. 8 Effect of Bioactive Compounds of Tomato on HMGCR Furthermore, we postulate that the cholesterol-lowering effect is due to the inhibition of HMGCR activity associated with the accumulation of lycopene in the liver, the cholesterol metabolism is more complex, and cholesterol homeostasis is maintained through the coordinated regulation of pathways mediating cholesterol uptake, storage, de novo synthesis and efflux. The committed step in the biosynthesis of cholesterol and isoprenoids is catalyzed by the HMGCR enzyme, which is sensitive to negative 9 Effect of Bioactive Compounds of Tomato on HMGCR regulation by both sterols and non sterols products of mevalonate pathways. This pathway produces numerous bioactive signaling molecules, including farnesyl pyrophosphate and geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate, which can interact with different cellular receptors involved in the 10381762 cholesterol metabolism. In vitro studies with human macrophages have demonstrated that lycopene increases LDL receptor activity, and decreases the expression of HMGCR, reducing the activity of the enzyme and the activation of RhoA proteins, and increasing the expression of PPARc, LXR and ABCA1 and Cav-1 mediated by the concentration of the non-sterol mevalonate intermediate GGPP. LXRs positively regulate several of the hepatic and intestinal genes required for cholesterol excretion from the body, including CYP7A, the rate-limiting enzyme for bile acid biosynthesis, and ATP binding cassette genes involved in cholesterol transport in liver and intestine. In addition, LXRs directly and indirectly regulate the genes involved in fatty Molecule HMGCoA Cerivastatin Lycopene Chlorogenic acid Naringenin Predicted DG 27.7 210.4 213.4 29.8 28.1 Experimental DG 26.7 211.4 — — — acid metabolism, including sterol response element binding protein-1c, fatty acid synthase, stearoyl-CoA desaturase, and acyl-CoA carboxylase, and also regulate the genes that control the secretion and metabolism of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, including LPL, cholesteryl ester transfer protein, phospholipid transfer protein, and the apolipoprotein E/C-I/C-IV/C-II gene cluster. Although we have not investigated the effect of lycopene on the expression of other key genes involved in the cholesterol metabolism, according to the abo