On information to a to a Nafion 212 membrane reference is depicted
On information to a to a Nafion 212 membrane reference is depicted in Icosabutate Icosabutate Biological Activity Figure 11a. It have to larization information Nafion 212 membrane reference is depicted in Figure 11a. It have to be noted be noted that electrodes operating parametersparameters in thisoptimized for a Nafionthat electrodes and MEA and MEA operating within this work were work had been optimized for any Nafion-based PEMWE-system. Even for these non-optimum63 thick a 63 primarily based PEMWE-system. Even for these non-optimum conditions, a conditions, MBI-MS thick MBI-MS membrane’s overall performance that of a 50 that of a 50 thick Nafion membrane’s functionality was comparable to was similar to thick Nafion membrane. This membrane. Thisin a comparable range with not too long ago reported hydrophilic-hydrophobic performance is overall performance is inside a comparable range with recently reported hydrophilichydrophobic multiblockby Chae et al. [61], that are also located to exceed a to exceed a multiblock copolymers copolymers by Chae et al. [61], that are also found Nafion 212 Nafion 212 membrane when operated at 90 C with PFSA-based electrodes [61]. Earlier membrane when operated at 90 with PFSA-based electrodes [61]. Earlier research on research on microblock [22,63] show inferior efficiency values. Nevertheless, resulting from the varmicroblock ionomers ionomers [22,63] show inferior efficiency values. Having said that, as a consequence of the variation in MEA fabrication process, membrane thickness and operating temperature, iation in MEA fabrication system, membrane thickness and operating temperature, a a valid comparison isn’t probable. valid comparison just isn’t possible. The 48 thick ternary blend membrane could even outperform the Nafion reference, reaching a current density of four.1 Acm-2 at a cell voltage of 2.0 V. These preliminary results are extremely promising. However, optimization from the MEA for the respective membranes, like additional compatible electrode binders, e.g., containing the identical aromatic ionomers as in the membrane, as well as a thorough investigation with the hydrogen crossover and durability, must be pursued in additional research. Along with the polarization behavior, the hydrogen permeability coefficients with the investigated GYKI 52466 In stock membranes are stated in Figure 11a. The hydrogen crossover was measured via LSV with pieces of the similar membrane as made use of in the polarization tests, also at 80 C. The given permeability coefficients are associated for the dry membrane thickness as well as the identical trend as in Figure 10a might be observed. With regards to the crossover flux related towards the membrane thickness, the MBI sample is superior to Nafion as well as the three CBM membranes are slightly inferior. Having said that, thus the polarization behavior is far better and, consequently, thicker membranes with much less hydrogen crossover fluxes could bePolymers 2021, 13,16 ofPolymers 2021, 13, x FOR PEER Review employed,17 of 21 because the crossover to resistance ratio is greater of both membranes in comparison to Nafion (cf Figure 10b).BM-2 Nafion Figure 11. (a)–Performance of MBI-MS and 3 CBM-2 membranes compared to Nafion 212 in water (b)–schematic of of MEA design composed of a of a free-standing electrolysis operation at 80 ;C; (b)–schematic the the MEA design composedfree-standing memoperation at 80 brane and and porous transport electrodes for the anode and cathode, respectively. membraneporous transport electrodes for the anode and cathode, respectively.The 48 4. Conclusions thick ternary blend membrane could even outperform the Nafion reference,In the present study, partially4.1 Acm-2 at a cell volt.
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