Confined Within: National Territories as Zones of Confinement. Political Geography. 2010; 29(4):200?08. Coutin

Confined Within: National Territories as Zones of Confinement. Political Geography. 2010; 29(4):200?08. Coutin, Bibler Susan. Nations of Emigrants: Shifting Boundaries of Citizenship in El Salvador and the United States. Ithaca, NY: Cornell CrotalineMedChemExpress Crotaline University Press; 2007. Coutin, Bibler Susan. Being en route. American Anthropologist. 2005; 107(2):195?06. Coutin, Bibler Susan. The Culture of Protest: Religious Activism and the U.S. Sanctuary Movement. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press; 1993. DeGenova, Nicolas. Migrant, “Illegality” and Deportability in Everyday Life. Annual Review of Anthropology. 2002; 200231:419?47. Durand, Jorge; Massey, Douglas, editors. Crossing the Border: Research from the Mexican Migration Project. New York, NY: Russell Sage; 2006. Farmer, Paul. On Suffering and Structural Violence: A View from Below. In: Kleinman, Arthur; Das, Veena; Lock, Margaret, editors. Social Suffering. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press; 1997. p. 305-325. order Pamapimod Fernandez-Kelly, Patricia; Massey, Douglas. Borders for Whom? The Role of NAFTA in Mexico-U.S. Migration. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 2007; 610(1):98?118. Finch, Brian; Vega, William. Acculturative Stress, Social Support, and Self-Rated Health among Latinos in California. Journal of Immigration Health. 2003; 5(3):109?17. Finch, Brian; Kolody, Bohdan; Vega, William. Perceived Discrimination and Depression among Mexican-Origin Adults in California. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 2000; 41:292?13. Finkler, Kaja. The Universality of Nervios. Health Care for Women. 1989; 10(2?):171?79. Foucault, Michel. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. New York, NY: Vintage Books; 1991. Gee, Gilbert; Ryan, Andrew; Laflamme, David; Holt, Jeanie. Self-Reported Discrimination and Mental Health Status among African Descendants, Mexican Americans, and other Latinos in the New Hampshire REACH 2010 Initiative: The Added Dimension of Immigration. American Journal of Public Health. 2006; 96(10):1821?828. [PubMed: 17008579] Giddiness, Anthony; Appelbaum, Richard; Carr, Deborah; Dunier, Mitchell. Introduction to Sociology. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company; 2009. Goffman, Erving. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. New York, NY: Doubleday; 1959. Gomberg-Munoz, Ruth. Not Just Mexico to the United States (1900?000). Journal of Latino-Latin American Studies. 2009; 3(3):2?8. Green, Linda. The Nobodies: Neoliberalism, Violence, and Migration. Medical Anthropology. 2011; 30(4):366?85. [PubMed: 21777123] Harris, Marvin. History and Significance of the Emic/Etic Distinction. Annual Review of Anthropology. 1976; 5:329?50. Harvey, David. A Brief History of Neoliberalism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 2005. Heyman, Josiah. Class and Classification on the U.S.-Mexico Border. Human Organization. 2001; 60(2):128?40. Heyman, Josiah. Finding a Moral Heart for U.S. Immigration Policy: An Anthropological Perspective. Washington D.C.: American Anthropological Association; 1998. Holmes, Seth. Structural Vulnerability and Hierarchies of Ethnicity and Citizenship on Farm. Medical Anthropology. 2011; 30(4):425?50. [PubMed: 21777126] Horton, Sarah. Different Subjects: The Health Care System’s Participation in the Differential Construction of the Cultural Citizenship of Cuban Refugees and Mexican Immigrants. Medical Anthropology Quarterly. 2004; 18(4):472?89. [PubMed: 15612411] Huffman, Samantha; Veen, Jaap; Hennick, Monique; McFarland, Deborah. Exploitation, Vulne.Confined Within: National Territories as Zones of Confinement. Political Geography. 2010; 29(4):200?08. Coutin, Bibler Susan. Nations of Emigrants: Shifting Boundaries of Citizenship in El Salvador and the United States. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press; 2007. Coutin, Bibler Susan. Being en route. American Anthropologist. 2005; 107(2):195?06. Coutin, Bibler Susan. The Culture of Protest: Religious Activism and the U.S. Sanctuary Movement. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press; 1993. DeGenova, Nicolas. Migrant, “Illegality” and Deportability in Everyday Life. Annual Review of Anthropology. 2002; 200231:419?47. Durand, Jorge; Massey, Douglas, editors. Crossing the Border: Research from the Mexican Migration Project. New York, NY: Russell Sage; 2006. Farmer, Paul. On Suffering and Structural Violence: A View from Below. In: Kleinman, Arthur; Das, Veena; Lock, Margaret, editors. Social Suffering. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press; 1997. p. 305-325. Fernandez-Kelly, Patricia; Massey, Douglas. Borders for Whom? The Role of NAFTA in Mexico-U.S. Migration. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 2007; 610(1):98?118. Finch, Brian; Vega, William. Acculturative Stress, Social Support, and Self-Rated Health among Latinos in California. Journal of Immigration Health. 2003; 5(3):109?17. Finch, Brian; Kolody, Bohdan; Vega, William. Perceived Discrimination and Depression among Mexican-Origin Adults in California. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 2000; 41:292?13. Finkler, Kaja. The Universality of Nervios. Health Care for Women. 1989; 10(2?):171?79. Foucault, Michel. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. New York, NY: Vintage Books; 1991. Gee, Gilbert; Ryan, Andrew; Laflamme, David; Holt, Jeanie. Self-Reported Discrimination and Mental Health Status among African Descendants, Mexican Americans, and other Latinos in the New Hampshire REACH 2010 Initiative: The Added Dimension of Immigration. American Journal of Public Health. 2006; 96(10):1821?828. [PubMed: 17008579] Giddiness, Anthony; Appelbaum, Richard; Carr, Deborah; Dunier, Mitchell. Introduction to Sociology. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company; 2009. Goffman, Erving. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. New York, NY: Doubleday; 1959. Gomberg-Munoz, Ruth. Not Just Mexico to the United States (1900?000). Journal of Latino-Latin American Studies. 2009; 3(3):2?8. Green, Linda. The Nobodies: Neoliberalism, Violence, and Migration. Medical Anthropology. 2011; 30(4):366?85. [PubMed: 21777123] Harris, Marvin. History and Significance of the Emic/Etic Distinction. Annual Review of Anthropology. 1976; 5:329?50. Harvey, David. A Brief History of Neoliberalism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 2005. Heyman, Josiah. Class and Classification on the U.S.-Mexico Border. Human Organization. 2001; 60(2):128?40. Heyman, Josiah. Finding a Moral Heart for U.S. Immigration Policy: An Anthropological Perspective. Washington D.C.: American Anthropological Association; 1998. Holmes, Seth. Structural Vulnerability and Hierarchies of Ethnicity and Citizenship on Farm. Medical Anthropology. 2011; 30(4):425?50. [PubMed: 21777126] Horton, Sarah. Different Subjects: The Health Care System’s Participation in the Differential Construction of the Cultural Citizenship of Cuban Refugees and Mexican Immigrants. Medical Anthropology Quarterly. 2004; 18(4):472?89. [PubMed: 15612411] Huffman, Samantha; Veen, Jaap; Hennick, Monique; McFarland, Deborah. Exploitation, Vulne.