Zeiss Gemini-Supra 40, Oberkochen, Germany) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) (Bruker Dimension
Zeiss Gemini-Supra 40, Oberkochen, Germany) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) (Bruker Scaffold Library Shipping Dimension Icon, Madison, WI, USA). AFM images have been obtained at a 512 512-point resolution more than 0.9- , 10- , 20- , 25- , 30- or 50- square locations by means of PeakForce tapping mode measurements, applying a silicon nitride cantilever.Materials 2021, 14,regional inclination was obtained by measuring the height distinction across the observed region. The surface morphology assessments with micrometer- and nanometer-scale resolutions had been performed by using low-voltage scanning electron microscopy (LVSEM) (Carl Zeiss Gemini-Supra 40, Oberkochen, Germany) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) (Bruker Dimension Icon, Madison, USA). AFM pictures were obtained at a 512 512-point 3 of 12 resolution over 0.9-m, 10-m, 20-m, 25-m, 30-m or 50-m square regions via PeakForce tapping mode measurements, utilizing a silicon nitride cantilever. LVSEM observations had been performed with an acceleration voltage of 1 kV as well as a operating distance of 4 mm. LVSEM observations have been performed with an acceleration voltage of 1 kV as well as a workingdistance of four mm. three. Final results and Discussion _ 3. Final results and Discussion Figure 1 shows the DICM pictures in the surface morphology on the (0001) facet with the Figure 1 shows the DICM pictures in the surface morphology from the (0001) facet from the two-inch diameter (a) nominally undoped (boule A), (b) conventionally nitrogen-doped two-inch diameter (a) nominally undoped (boule A), (b) conventionally nitrogen-doped (boule B), and (c) heavily nitrogen-doped 4H-SiC boules (boule C) examined within this study. (boule B), and (c) heavily nitrogen-doped 4H-SiC boules (boule C) examined within this study. The figure reveals that the growth front with the boules comprised two distinct morphologThe figure reveals that the growth front with the boules comprised two distinct morphological _ regions: the (0001) facetfacet the non-facetted region. ical regions: the (0001) and as well as the non-facetted area._ Figure 1. DICM pictures in the (0001) facet of two-inch diameter (a) nominally undoped (boule Figure 1. DICM pictures with the (0001) facet of two-inch diameter (a) nominally undoped (boule A, 17 cm-3 ), (b) conventionally nitrogen-doped (Methyl jasmonate Epigenetics sample B, N concentraA, N concentration: mid-10 -3 N concentration: mid-1017 cm ), (b) conventionally nitrogen-doped (sample B, N concentration: 18 tion: mid-10-3 cm-3 ), and (c) heavily nitrogen-doped 4H-SiC boules (sample C, N concentration: mid-1018 cm ), and (c) heavily nitrogen-doped 4H-SiC boules (sample C, N concentration: mid-1019 19 mid-10AFM -3 ). AFM observations had been conducted at PointsA’, B, C, A’,C’, as shown inside the photos. cm-3). cm observations were conducted at Points A, B, C, A, B’, and B’, and C’, as shown in the _ pictures. The former 3 points have been located near the edge on the (0001 ) facet, whereas the latter The former three spiral development centersnear the edge(a) LVSEM)image of macrosteps observed on points were positioned around the facet. from the (0001 facet, whereas the latter had been lowere located close to cated close to spiral development centers around the facet. (a) LVSEM image of macrosteps observed around the the facet of boule A. facet of boule A.Around the (0001) facet in the nominally undoped boule (boule A), massive macrosteps of _ height of sub- range had been observed, and also the macrosteps tended to become arranged in petal Around the (0001) facet with the nominally undoped boule (boule A), massive macrosteps of shapes with a hexagonal symmetry. The height on the macrosteps became larger a.
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