Integrate the function', f_]), Display(['Integrating the function', f_, 'with respect to variable', u, 'we get',

Integrate the function”, f_]), Display([“Integrating the function”, f_, “with respect to variable”, u, “we get”, INT(f_,u)]), Display([“Considering the limits of integration for this variable, we get”,I1_]), Show([“Integrating the function”, I1_, “with respect to variable”, v, “we get”, INT(I1_,v)]), Show([“Considering the limits of integration for this variable, we get”,I2_]), Show([“Finally, integrating this outcome with respect to variable”, w, “the outcome is”, INT(I2_,w)]), Show(“Considering the limits of integration, the final result is”) ) ), I1_:=INT(I2_,w,w1,w2), If((POSITION(x,VARIABLES(I1_)) or POSITION(y,VARIABLES(I1_)) or POSITION(z,VARIABLES(I1_)) or POSITION(u,VARIABLES(I1_)) or POSITION(v,VARIABLES(I1_)) or POSITION(w,VARIABLES(I1_))) /=false, RETURN [I1_,”WARNING!: SUSPICIOUS Result. Maybe THE INTEGRATION ORDER IS Wrong OR THE Thromboxane B2 Description VARIABLES Modify HAS NOT BEEN Performed Inside the LIMITS OF INTEGRATION”] ), RETURN I1_TripleSpherical(f,u,u1,u2,v,v1,v2,w,w1,w2,myTheory:=Theory, myStepwise:=Stepwise,myx:=x,myy:=y,myz:=z,f_,I1_,I2_):= Prog( f_:= rho^2 cos(phi) SUBST(f, [myx,myy,myz], [rho cos(phi) cos(theta), rho cos(phi) sin(theta), rho sin(phi)]), If(myTheory, Prog( Display(“Spherical coordinates are useful when the expression x^2y^2z^2 appears within the function to be integrated”), Display(“or within the area of integration.”), Show(“A triple integral in spherical coordinates is computed by indicates of three definite integrals within a given order.”), Show(“Previously, the adjust of variables to spherical coordinates has to be performed.”) ) ), I1_:=INT(f_,u,u1,u2), I2_:=INT(I1_,v,v1,v2), If (myStepwise, Prog( Display([“Let us take into consideration the spherical coordinates change”, myx, “=rho cos(phi) cos(theta)”, myy, “=rho cos(phi) sin(theta)”, myz, “=rho sin(phi)”]), Show([“The very first step is definitely the substitution of this variable alter in function”, f, “and multiply this result by the Jacobian rho^2 cos(phi).”]), Display([“In this case, the substitutions result in integrateMathematics 2021, 9,26 of)the function”, f_]), Show([“Integrating the function”, f_, “with respect to variable”, u, “we get”, INT(f_,u)]), Display([“Considering the limits of integration for this variable, we get”,I1_]), Show([“Integrating the function”, I1_, “with respect to variable”, v, “we get”, INT(I1_,v)]), Show([“Considering the limits of integration for this variable, we get”,I2_]), Display([“Finally, integrating this outcome with respect to variable”, w, “the result is”, INT(I2_,w)]), Display(“Considering the limits of integration, the final outcome is”) ) ), I1_:=INT(I2_,w,w1,w2), If((POSITION(x,VARIABLES(I1_)) or POSITION(y,VARIABLES(I1_)) or POSITION(z,VARIABLES(I1_)) or POSITION(u,VARIABLES(I1_)) or POSITION(v,VARIABLES(I1_)) or POSITION(w,VARIABLES(I1_))) /=false, RETURN [I1_,”WARNING!: SUSPICIOUS Outcome. Possibly THE INTEGRATION ORDER IS Wrong OR THE VARIABLES Change HAS NOT BEEN Accomplished Within the LIMITS OF INTEGRATION”] ), RETURN I1_Appendix A.3. DNQX disodium salt Biological Activity Region of a Area R R2 Location(u,u1,u2,v,v1,v2,myTheory:=Theory,myStepwise:=Stepwise):= Prog( If(myTheory, Show(“The area of a region R might be computed by implies on the double integral of function 1 over the region R.”) ), If(myStepwise, Display(“To get a stepwise option, run the program Double with function 1.”) ), If(myTheory or myStepwise, Display(“The region is:”) ), RETURN Double(1,u,u1,u2,v,v1,v2,false,false) ) AreaPolar(u,u1,u2,v,v1,v2,myTheory:=Theory,myStepwise:=Stepwise, myx:=x,myy:=y):= Prog( If(myTheory, DISPL.