Therefore, it is not surprising that they were not well correlated with the MVD

tions were associated with increased generation of iCLU relative to sCLU, suggesting a potential mechanism for pathogenicity of these variants. Discussion After APOE, the CLU and BIN1 genes have been identified as the most important susceptibility loci in late-onset AD. It has been hypothesized that CLU is involved in amyloid clearance, playing a protective role in AD. However, contrary to this premise, plasma levels of CLU correlate positively with AD severity and progression, and increased CLU mRNA expression is associated with a more PubMed ID: deteriorated disease status. It has been recently reported that elevated CSF clusterin contributes to entorhinal atrophy in patients with mild cognitive impairment and increased Ab42 deposition, suggesting that clusterin might be involved in AD pathogenesis. In the present study we found a link between the CLU rs11136000 SNP and CSF Tau levels in AD patients and provided evidence that intracellular forms of clusterin might play an important role in AD pathology. While the secreted form of CLU is induced during stress and inflammation and believed to be protective, intracellular forms of CLU TG100 115 manufacturer previously linked to cytotoxicity are also upregulated under these conditions. Mechanisms induced by cellular stress, such as abnormal translocation of CLU from the ER/Golgi to the cytosol and impaired degradation by the proteosome, as well as increased Ab levels and scrapie infection, all appear to drive accumulation of iCLU. Therefore CLU mutations that alter the ratio between iCLU and sCLU produced during stress could potentially modify risk for AD. In support of this hypothesis, we showed that certain AD-risk mutations in CLU significantly increased the ratio iCLU/sCLU following expression of the full-length CLU construct in vitro. We reported here that overexpression of human Tau in the mouse brain was associated with a marked increase in iCLU levels before any pathological forms of Tau were detected, suggesting that iCLU and Tau are predicted to interact in vivo. However, because Tg4510 mice overexpress the frontotemporal dementia mutant P301L Tau, which has reduced ability to promote microtubule assembly and is more prone to aggregation than WT Tau found in normal and AD patients, we performed reciprocal co-immunoprecipitation experiments comparing the interaction between iCLU and WT or P301L Tau in HEK 293T cells. Our results indicated that both Tau forms co-immunoprecipitated with iCLU when co-expressed in a cellular system and validated our conclusion that increased iCLU expression in Tg4510 mouse brain is indeed suggestive of a physiologically relevant interaction between iCLU and Tau. 5 Clusterin Is a BIN1 and Tau-Interacting Protein in Alzheimer’s Disease Our cellular data supporting CLU as a novel Tau-interacting protein is similar to recent findings reported for BIN1. While iCLU interacted with both WT and P301L mutant full-length Tau, it did not co-immunoprecipitate the 4-repeat MBD of Tau alone, suggesting that the interaction between iCLU and Tau occurs outside the microtubule binding region. In addition, we showed that CLU and BIN1 co-immunoprecipitated primarily with Tau species found in neurofibrillary tangles from AD brains. Because initial findings from Chapuis et al. suggest that BIN1 expression is detrimental, and increased expression of both CLU and brain-specific isoforms of BIN1 has been associated with AD status, we speculate that this newly discovered interaction between CLU and BIN1 coul