The entity list was then filtered to select for human small RNAs only

linear/log trapezoidal method. Maximum plasma Plasma raltegravir pharmacokinetics All 40 participants underwent plasma pharmacokinetic sampling for 12 hours after the final dose, and 20 continued sampling to 48 hours after the final dose. Plasma pharmacokinetic parameters are shown in 4 Determinants of Raltegravir CSF Penetration and raltegravir P Parameter Males Median n=20 Baseline Characteristics Age Weight BMI CSF protein 1549178 a Females Median n=20 All Median n=40 value ng/mL) and 6.55 hmg/L, respectively, similar to previously reported values of 68.5 ng/mL and 6.35 hmg/L. Among the 20 individuals who continued sampling to 48 hours, the 48 hour geometric mean concentration was 7.47 ng/mL, however 14 participants had concentrations below limit of quantification, which were MedChemExpress ONX-0914 treated as 5 ng/mL. None of the plasma pharmacokinetic parameters differed significantly by sex, BMI, rs1045642 genotype or other polymorphism genotype. There was an approximately 25-fold inter-individual range in CSF raltegravir concentrations at 4 hours post-dose . Median CSF raltegravir concentrations did not differ significantly between females and males, and CSF raltegravir concentrations did not correlate significantly with CSF total protein. We next identified which index of plasma raltegravir exposure best correlated with 4-hour CSF raltegravir concentrations. Among partial plasma AUCs, the partial plasma AUC from 0 to 4 hours correlated most strongly with 4-hour CSF concentrations, although all partial AUCs beyond 2 hours were also strongly correlated with 4-hour CSF concentrations. Among single timepoint plasma concentrations, the 2-hour value correlated most strongly with 4-hour 17942897 CSF concentrations. The correlation between the 4-hour CSF concentration and the simultaneous 4-hour plasma concentration was considerably less. Cerebrospinal fluid is a slow equilibrating compartment compared to plasma. Ratios of CSF-to-plasma drug concentrations therefore vary depending on CSF sampling timing, and are generally highest later in the dosing interval. In the present study the mean ratio of 4 hour CSF concentration to mean 0-12 hour plasma raltegravir concentrations in each participant was 6.0% 2.6%. Relationship between ABCB1 genotype and raltegravir CSF-to-plasma ratios Plasma raltegravir AUC0-4h explained 86% of interindividual variability in 4-hour CSF raltegravir concentrations, as noted above. To assess the contribution, if any, of ABCB1 rs1045642 genotype we compared CSF-to-plasma ratios by genotype based on plasma AUC0-4h values and based on the 2-hour plasma concentration timepoint. Neither CSF-to-AUC0-4h ratio ) nor CSF-to-2-hour plasma ratio ) differed significantly among individuals homozygous for ABCB1 rs1045642 C/C versus T/T. No significant association was detected between absolute CSF raltegravir concentrations and ABCB1 rs1045642 genotype. 0.13 a Abbreviations: CSF cerebrospinal fluid b Geometric mean stratified by sex and ABCB1 genotype, are shown in doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0082672.g002 Exploratory analyses with additional genetic variants A total of 269 genetic polymorphisms passed QC, of which 117 were censored for either being monomorphic, or being in complete LD with at least one other polymorphism in our study cohort. The remaining 152 polymorphisms across 16 transporter genes were explored for association with raltegravir penetration into CSF, using the same approach as for ABCB1 rs1045642. Ten of the 152 polymorphisms had Harvey Weinberg equi