Bioassays Insects and nematodes were exposed to test chemicals both through the diet and by contact

nse labeling of distinct populations of interneurons in contrast to only low to moderate levels of labeling in principal neurons like pyramidal cells. In the hippocampal formation, Arg and ADC labelling clearly displayed the ammons horn pyramidal cell layers and dentate gyrus granule cell layer. Besides principal neurons, numerous interneurons were also immunoreactive. Similar to 25216745 the cerebral cortex, SpdS and Agm immunoreactivities were more prominent in interneurons and neuropil areas than in principal neurons. In addition, ADC and also Agm were also clearly expressed in oligodendrocytes. With anti-Arg labeling, in addition to the majority of immunoreactive neurons displaying the before mentioned punctate intracellular pattern, also some 4 Arginase and Arginine Decarboxylase in Rat Brain gated GST protein. Loading: lane 1 and 4, Arg1-GST fusion protein; lane 2 and 5, Arg1-His fusion protein; lane 3 and 6, rat liver homogenate; lane 7 and 9, rat cerebral cortex homogenate; lane 8 and 10, rat cerebral cortex cytosol. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066735.g003 strongly but diffusely labeled hippocampal interneurons were observed. Given the relatively high degree of amino acid identity between the two isoforms Arg1 and Arg2, we aimed to identify whether the different intracellular labelling could reflect a cross reactivity of the antibody, raised against the C-terminus of Arg1, with Arg2. For this purpose, we subjected the affinity LGX818 web purified anti-Arg1 antibody to pre-incubation with the membrane-bound, potentially crossreacting C-terminus of Arg2. Assuming that the not cross-reactive fraction of the antibody remaining in the supernatant would preferentially display Arg1, we tested supernatant and eluate on hippocampal sections. Indeed, the population of interneurons with a diffusely labeled cytoplasm was largely separated from the majority of typically “spotted”neurons, the latter reflecting pan-arginase labelling. Within the cerebellar cortex, the cellular sources for agmatine and spermidine synthesis differed strikingly with respect to the expression in principal versus interneuron populations. With respect to the “classical”pathway enzymes Arg and SpdS, Purkinje cells were not particularly noticeable, while ADC and especially Agm prominently displayed the cell bodies and dendritic trees of these neurons. Both, Arg and ADC, were also detected in Bergman glial cells. In the molecular layer of the cerebellar cortex, the labelling pattern suggested a strong expression of the enzymes of both pathways in synaptic compartments of this layer. Giant mossy fibre boutons were, however, only clearly delineated with anti-SpdS antibodies. Since antibodies against SpdS 25939886 are known to demarcate patches of strongly labelled neuropil in basal ganglia areas like the striatum and nucleus accumbens, we compared the overall labelling patterns in the basal forebrain. While in this area the agmatine pathway enzymes were relatively uniformly distributed with respect to neurons and neuropil, except for ADC in the septal 5 Arginase and Arginine Decarboxylase in Rat Brain 6 Arginase and Arginine Decarboxylase in Rat Brain and Agm in the dorsal accumbens shell region, Arg and SpdS both displayed a more differentiated neuropil in striatal and ventromedial accumbens shell regions. In the brainstem, a robust Agm expression was previously reported in the medial vestibular nucleus, a relay between vestibular receptors and eye muscles or spinal cord and the nucleus prepositus hy