Results RT-PCR Condition Optimization and Detection Sensitivity Of the initial 18 primer sets tested, only 7 generated PCR products of the expected size from untreated sewage, indicating positive EnV detection

the ORN-induced migration of NP glial cells to surround glomeruli, 3) the glia-regulated establishment of normal dendritic territory in the glomeruli, and 4) the glia-induced organization of ORN axon fasciculation through the sorting zone. Despite these important effects, ORN axons do manage to target at least one identified glomerulus correctly when FGFR activation is blocked, suggesting a robust targeting Neuromedin N site system with some degree of redundancy. was largely eliminated, as was most of the AL neuron labeling. C: When the anti-pFGFR antibody was omitted from the protocol, weak labeling of the AL neurons was visible, suggesting that the residual labeling in B was partly due to non-specific labeling by the secondary antibodies. LG, MG = lateral and medial group of AL neuron cell bodies. A9C9: pFGFR channel alone. Projection depths were 15 mm. Supporting Information Glial FGFRs in Glia-Neuron Signaling would not affect M. sexta Eph receptors. Note, too, the large gaps needed to achieve the alignment. colony robust; and Mark Higgins, MS, for general technical support. NJG would also like to thank Cell Signaling Technology in general and product scientist Wendy Colpoys in particular for many helpful discussions concerning their antibodies, blocking 20735426” peptides, and western blot protocols. Acknowledgments We thank Mr. Donnie Owens at Pfizer for the generous gift of PD173074. We thank Drs. Philip Copenhaver, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, OR, and James Nardi, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, for their gifts of the Manduca Fasciclin II and Neuroglian antibodies; Dr. Norm Davis and Patricia Jansma, MS, for many helpful discussions concerning immunocytochemistry techniques; Margaret Marez for keeping the M sexta Author Contributions Conceived and designed the experiments: NJG 11948668” LPT LAO. Performed the experiments: NJG. Analyzed the data: NJG LPT LAO. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: LPT LAO. Wrote the paper: NJG LPT LAO. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Auld V Glia as mediators of growth cone guidance: studies from insect nervous systems. Cell Mol Life Sci 55: 137785. Lemke G Glial control of neuronal development. Annu Rev Neurosci 24: 87105. Hidalgo A Neuronglia interactions during axon guidance in Drosophila. Biochem Soc Trans 31: 505. Oland LA, Tolbert LP Key interactions between neurons and glial cells during neural development in insects. Annu Rev Entomol 48: 89110. Oland LA, Tolbert LP Roles of glial cells in neural circuit formation: Insights from research in insects. Glia. In press. Sepp KJ, Auld VJ Reciprocal interactions between neurons and glia are required for Drosophila peripheral nervous system development. J Neurosci 23: 822130. Chotard C, Salecker I Neurons and glia: team players in axon guidance. Trends Neurosci 27: 65561. Chotard C, Salecker I Glial cell development and function in the Drosophila visual system. Neuron Glia Biol 3: 1725. Tolbert LP, Oland LA, Tucker ES, Gibson NJ, Higgins MR, et al. Bidirectional influences between neurons and glial cells in the developing olfactory system. Prog Neurobiol 73: 73105. Freeman MR Sculpting the nervous system: Glial control of neuronal development. Curr Opin Neurobiol 16: 119125. Oland LA, Tolbert LP Glial patterns during early development of antennal lobes of Manduca sexta: a comparison between normal lobes and lobes deprived of antennal axons. J Comp Neurol 255: 196207. Baumann PM, Oland LA, Tolbert LP Glial cells stabilize axonal protoglomeruli in the developing